Sunday, September 26, 2004

By popular demand (hey Tony! You're popular demand!), I will tell you a little bit about my camera. It's a Nikon Coolpix 4200, and it is really, really nice. My Buckingham Palace pictures turned out pretty well, and I'm looking forward to doing some more experimenting with it. Also, I will not be uploading today due to technical difficulties, but the friendly Internet cafe guy (who used to live in our flat, by the way) has informed me that this cafe is actually a wireless access point! Not free, unfortunately, but not much is in this city. So with any luck and without further technical difficulties, I'm going to be able to upload stuff more often and have more access to all my usual sites. Yay!

No further travel news. It's been a nice quiet weekend, and I actually have managed to make some progress on the application front. I don't want to jinx anything, but I may have figured out a way to approach the personal statement thing. I have to check with the prelaw advisor (yes, there is one) at Guelph, though, to make sure it's OK.

So basically, things are coming together.


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