Sunday, September 19, 2004

Not much to report, other than that the girly weekend has been quite a lot of fun. Last night we all got drunk and spent a couple of hours cutting pictures of cute shirtless men out of Cosmo and the like so that we can tape them all up on the bathroom wall to piss off the boys when they come home. Yes, we are mature women.

This weekend's been notable for Open House London, which we were supposed to attend as part of our Urban Geography class, but the lines for all the cool things were miles long (some literally), so instead the Thames Festival was attended. We're going back later tonight to see the fireworks, and then tomorrow it's back to the daily grind.

Yesterday I went with the girls to Portobello Road Market, which was literally wall-to-wall people (by the end of it I seriously wanted to start elbowing strangers... I'm not good with crowds). I saw a lot of stuff I would have liked to buy if I'd had any money on me, but since I only had five pounds, I bought an antique print of two cats. It's very nice and will be framed when I get it home.

Really, nothing out of the ordinary's been happening, other than that things keep disappearing from my room (this time it's my hairbrush). Since no thief in their right mind would take someone's used hairbrush, I'm chalking it up to poltergeists.


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