Monday, September 20, 2004

The hairbrush has reappeared (behind my bed), so maybe I don't have poltergeists after all. I am also camera-enabled once again, since Boots had a special on, three disposable cameras for the price of two. Hopefully there will be pictures soon!

I have another free day tomorrow, so I'm going to drag my butt out of bed early and go visit Westminster (and finally do that river cruise to Greenwich, weather cooperating). This afternoon I braved the crowds to shop on Oxford Street, but I still haven't made the pilgrimage to Harrods. Oh well... I have to keep reminding myself that I've only been here for two weeks today, and I have a lot more time to see the touristy things. My favourite parts of London so far have been the non-traditional touristy things; Trafalgar Square may be a popular tourist sight, but after dark it turns into the world's best free bar, and the banks of the Thames are wonderful places to park on a bench and watch the world pass. (They also make a fabulous viewing platform for fireworks launched from a riverboat, as I learned last night.)

Dublin in less than two weeks. I'm excited, and surprisingly, not a bit nervous about going on my own. One thing I've learned since being in London is that I really am completely comfortable in my own company, and for seeing the sights, I actually prefer it. I love my housemates, and they're a lot of fun to go out with, but when I'm at a museum or the like, I want to go at my own pace and see what I want to see without worrying about leaving someone behind.

We'll see how I feel about that when I start traveling to non-English-speaking countries, though.


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