Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Some observations about London:

There are security cameras everywhere, including one right outside my bedroom window (fortunately not facing into it). It's a little unnerving to think that I'm literally being watched everywhere I go.

I think this is related, but there are almost no public trash receptacles. I know this is because the IRA used to put bombs in them back in the 80s, but it's annoying.

There are almost no fat people. I've seen a few fat guys, but the biggest woman I've seen is about my size (which, if you're not a regular reader of this blog, is not very big). Again, I think this is related, the snack section of grocery stores is a lot smaller than those in North America. It's really hitting home how different most of the world is when it comes to food and fatness.

There are weird potato chip flavours, like roasted lamb with mint sauce (no, I haven't tried these) and spicy chutney (surprisingly good).

Everyone, and I mean everyone, has a cell phone, called mobiles over here. Cell phone etiquette seems to be surprisingly restrained, however. I haven't heard anyone talking loudly or inappropriately in a public place.

People have no qualms about saying interesting things or arguing on public transit, though. Last night on the bus, I heard a woman get very pissed off at a man for something he'd done (I never figured out what) and proclaim very loudly "Don't touch me. That's harassment, what you just did to me! H-A-R-R-A-S-S-M-A-N-T." It seems she's had a good grounding in feminism, but maybe not so good in spelling.

Other than these latest observations, not too much has been going on. I went to the Canadian bar in Covent Garden last night to see a bit of the World Cup final (Canada won!), and it was a lot of fun. It was completely packed, everyone was screaming and singing the national anthem, and it was just a great experience. Unfortunately, I had class at 9 this morning, so I only stayed through the first period (they air the games at 7 PM EST, which is midnight over here).

My camera also hasn't turned up. I let the management company know, and they essentially told me "It's someone you're living with. Lock your door." That's complete crap, since I trust everyone in my flat and they've all been helping me look. I guess it's gone for good, so at some point in the next few days I'll buy a little disposable camera and then I can post some pictures.


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