Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I would like to inform my faithful readers that I am not dead. However, I feel like I'm about halfway there, thanks to a lovely episode of mono that actually landed me in the hospital for two days (who knew that mono interfered with your liver function? I thought it just made you really tired - which, by the way, it does). Consequently, I am spending this week not at work, but in bed/on bed. This means that I will have to work extra days to make up the work I'm missing this week - damn you, ABA requirements!

Of course, I haven't had mono since the date of my last blog post. Any gaps up to about a week ago are explained strictly by alternating laziness and hectic scheduling. I've been in and out of town for conferences, spending weekends out of Cambridge, and coming home during the week basically to sleep and change clothes. I barely spend any time on the internet anymore (which is probably a good thing), although I certainly spend enough that I should be blogging!

My life basically continues as it was in September - I'm loving work, even with all its attendant frustrations, and I'm starting to put the pieces together to enable me to move here for good in May. I've submitted one job application, will send another in early next week, and am continuing to keep my eyes out for any other possible opportunities. My life appears to be going in a nice, pleasant, fulfilling direction right now, so let's hope it stays that way!

Right now, though, my priorities are (a) sleep, (b) get well, aided by liberal amounts of (a), and (c) rediscover how to eat without feeling sick.