Thursday, February 09, 2006

I'm trying to be better this semester about updating the blog more regularly, so, stolen from Ian, my List of Fours.

Four jobs I've had
Student Caller (otherwise known as "the annoying person from your university who calls you when you graduate and begs for money")
Student Tracer (same department, except this job involved tracking down all the grads who didn't see fit to let the university know their new address when they moved)
Circulation Director (i.e., Newspaper Delivery Bitch)
Photographer/Small Business Owner

Four movies I can watch over and over
Waking Ned Devine
The Big Lebowski
Office Space

Four places I have lived
In chronological order:
Lyndhurst, Ohio
Guelph, Ontario
London, England (for four months, but I think it still counts)
Ithaca, New York

Four TV shows I like to watch
Arrested Development
The Simpsons
Family Guy

Four foods that I like
Purity's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream
Strawberry yogurt
McDonald's fries (yes, I know)

Four websites I visit daily
BBC News
Something Positive

Four things I want to do before I die
Get out of debt (stolen from Ian, because it's true for me too)
Live in London for more than four months
Take my mom on a really fabulous vacation
Save a lot of homeless pets

Four places I would rather be right now

Four people I'm tagging
This category sort of assumes there is more than one person who reads my blog.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You won't see this on Law and Order: Fred the undercover cat busts a bogus vet.