Saturday, June 11, 2005

It's been hotter than hell here the last few days, even for me, and that's saying a lot. At work, I'm fine, because they keep the AC on Arctic, but once I get home, it's warm enough in the apartment (even with fans on) that I don't want to move around much. So consequently, I've been doing a lot of playing around with Photoshop, and I'm quite happy with some of the results I've achieved. I am getting to the point now, though, where my lack of training is starting to bug me, so I've ordered a couple of Photoshop manuals and hopefully they'll have some good stuff. (Photoshop Elements 3.0 for Dummies is completely not worth your time unless you've barely taken a photo in your life, by the way. I'm inexperienced, but I ain't no Dummy, which is odd as I've always had good luck with the other Dummies books.)

I've also updated the Portraits and Humane Society galleries, so check out the new stuff there. I still haven't managed to get out and do that Guelph/University of Guelph shoot, so expect that soonish as well (although next weekend's canoe trip will almost certainly be uploaded first).