Monday, October 03, 2005

I just have this week of school to get through before I have a week's vacation (the law school, in its infinite wisdom, grants us a whole week off even though the rest of the school just has two days). Even though the first half of the semester hasn't been terribly taxing for me, I still feel like I'm ready for a break, and I'm really excited about my little vacation. This weekend, my family is coming to visit, so my grandpa will get to see Ithaca for the first time, and a week from today, I'm going back to London! I'm really looking forward to going back, even if it's only for a few days, and I'll be doing a couple of the touristy things I never got around to last fall, plus seeing friends and old coworkers (I'm technically going for an alumni event from U of G, so I'll be seeing a bunch of people I worked with while I was there). It should be really fun, and I'm very much looking forward to the photo opportunities.

School continues to go well, although everyone's freaked out right now because we have a major legal writing assignment due Friday. As usual, I slacked off all weekend and didn't get as much done on my draft as I should have, but I have plenty of time today to get a lot more done before I meet with the TA tonight.

Besides, my weekend was productive in other ways. On Saturday, I went to a dog show about forty-five minutes north of here, to see if I could drum up some business. It turned out to be a bit of a bust, since (as you know if you've ever seen Best in Show) dog show people can be pretty snobby. My offers of portrait sessions were generally met with restrained incredulity and brush-offs, but I did manage to get a few cards passed out before I found out that I wasn't technically allowed to solicit business without a vendor booth anyway. Oops. Still, it was a fun day and a really nice drive, so I don't feel like it was a waste of time or anything. On Saturday evening, I went with a few friends to see Serenity, which I highly recommend even if you're not familiar with the series (none of my friends had ever seen it, and they all loved the movie).

I'm off to have my lunch and do a bit of planning for my trip next week before I come back to the library and work a bit more before Torts this afternoon. My Monday schedule is kind of annoying, since I have class from 9:05-10:00 and then not again till 2:30, but at least the long break in between lets me get all my homework done so I don't have to take anything home. Such considerations are important when you consider that I have all four major classes on Tuesdays.


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