Saturday, September 04, 2004

I have no expletives foul enough to describe this evening (and those who know me well know how rare it is that I'm at such a loss for expletives).

This evening, my last one at home, I invited my friend James over for burgers on the grill and good conversation. During the grilling of said burgers, Sasha slipped out the back door and took off for parts unknown, namely the weed-infested ass end of our back yard, where the fungus grows to disturbing proportions. I managed to corner her and scoop her up, but being terrified, she nearly took my arm off and fled. She headed southeast in the company of Leo, the giant white cat next door.

Before you begin to wonder, let me explain that although Sasha was a stray (and undoubtedly streetwise) before we got her, she's been in the shelter since April and she's only been home with us for less than two weeks, during which time she's never been outdoors. She's not familiar with these surroundings at all, so I was worried she wouldn't be able to find her way home.

About a half hour ago, Sasha and Leo were spotted in the back yard racing around, though, so obviously she can find her way home. We have her litterbox and cat condo out on the back patio to help her find the scent, and we've baited a Havahart trap with her favourite cat food. Here's hoping that we catch a Sasha and not a Leo or a Skunk or a Raccoon.

Any positive thoughts and/or catloaves would be very much appreciated. (Don't laugh. I believe in the mystical powers of the catloaf.)

In other news, I leave for London tomorrow. I'm all packed, I've said (most of) my goodbyes, and unless there's Sasha-news, my next update will be from across the pond.

See you over there!


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