Monday, August 23, 2004

I want to preface this remark by saying that it's been really nice to be in Cleveland and have lots of time to spend relaxing, watching the Olympics, and hanging out with my family. But...

Not having real internet access at home can suck my giant imaginary phallus. I despise dial-up AOL with the white-hot burning passion of a million suns, and the "browser" packaged with AOL is even worse. I can't get to Hotmail from home, so I have to come here to the public library every few days to delete the next round of "enlarge-your-penis" spam, but I can occasionally get to other sites as long as they don't require any browser newer than 1998. In other words, I have virtually no internet access at home. I'm still hunting for a WiFi point close to home so that I can get online a bit more often.

(and before you ask, I can't download any better browsers because it takes a couple of hours and AOL thinks you're inactive and kicks you offline during that time. I've tried.)

Whew. Now that that's out of the way, I can update you on the real news, which is that my mom is finally going to bite the bullet and adopt kitties! We went to the local humane society yesterday to snuggle lots of cats and decide which ones we wanted, and this afternoon we're going to bring home two little girl kitties (tentatively named Sophie and Sasha). They're shy but friendly, and they purr like motorboats. I'll post some pictures to my photo page as soon as I'm able to get online more often.

I really haven't been accomplishing anything else. My days consist of sleeping late, being lazy and watching massive amounts of TV, reading, and occasionally leaving the house to go shopping or to the library. I could tell you in extensive detail how I waxed my eyebrows last night, but somehow I don't think anyone would be interested. I apologize for the extreme boringness of my life at the moment, but things should be looking up soon. I'll be in London two weeks from today, and until then I will at least have hilarious kitty antics to report.


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