Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yes, it's my annual dive back into the blogosphere!

For whatever reason, I don't tend to blog while school is in session - it's not an issue of time, really, since God knows I spend far too much time dicking around on the Internet anyway. When I look at my previous blogging life, it seems like the things I blog about are the things that happen to me while something out of the ordinary is going on in my life (studying abroad, starting a new job, starting a new school, etc.), and the next six months or so certainly qualify. For those who don't know, I have two jobs this summer for six weeks each, and then in the fall I head to Boston to do a full-semester externship. So, once again, this blog will become the way I tell my far-flung family and friends about the crazy things that happen to me and the adventures that I have, such as they are.

As for my life between the last post and this one, I can basically sum it up like this: 2L. Anyone who's been to law school knows exactly what I mean. For the rest, 2L is basically a year-long balancing act between the All-Important Job Hunt and the classes you still actually have to take. Once I figured out what path I actually wanted to be on, the balancing became much easier, just in time for me to undertake the most rewarding challenge of my life so far. I got to work with and advise actual clients in the labor law clinic, which was the final step in convincing me that this is really truly what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, and I even got a T-shirt out of it (by which I conclude I did pretty well).

For the rest of this week, I'm just tying up loose ends in Ithaca, and then it's off to Kingston, NY, on Sunday to start my first job...


Blogger Ian said...

What'd the t-shirt say?

1:49 AM  

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