Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Busy week! I haven't posted since Tuesday because I was out late Thursday night meeting with clients in Newburgh, then up at the ass-crack of dawn on Friday morning to go to federal court in White Plains (just an observer, since I'm not working on that particular case at the moment). I spent the weekend relaxing and exploring Kingston and the surrounding area, including a cruise on the Hudson, so expect pictures soon! I'll link to them here when I've posted them.

The big news, though, is that the clients we met with on Thursday are going to small claims court tomorrow morning, and I'm going along to help represent them. If the defendant actually shows up (which is apparently a big if), then the plaintiffs will testify and I'll present one of the issues to the judge (and possibly do a short direct examination if needed). If the defendant doesn't show, then we'll get a default judgment in our favor and our side probably won't need to testify, but I need to be prepared anyway. Wish me luck in case I do have to present... (I'm pretty confident that I know what I need to know in order to present, but as you all know, public speaking makes me nervous as hell.)


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