Monday, February 21, 2005

so. tired.

The regular receptionist is in Vegas today and tomorrow, so I had to work a full shift at reception instead of my usual half of one, half of the other deal. No problem, except it starts at 8:30 AM. There is not enough coffee in the world to make me happy with that.

It was a decent day, though. Since it's technically spring break (although the world of white outside my window is decidedly unspringlike), things are very quiet around campus. Plus, I've spent much of the day thinking about an idea that sort of popped into my head while I was lying awake last night.

As most of you know (and as I've posted here probably ad nauseam), I've been doing a lot of the photography for the Humane Society's website, and it's been a whole lot of fun. I really enjoy photographing animals, much more so than people (I have no idea why), and from what I've heard, I'm good at it. It strikes me that this might be a good way to pull in a nice bit of extra cash while I'm in law school... after all, there are a lot of besotted pet owners out there who either don't have a good camera or can't be arsed to drag their pet out to a photography studio for an overpriced shot of it licking its butt. At least with digital you can delete the butt shots and you don't have to pay for film.

So what I'm thinking is that I should set myself up in business in a fairly minor way... flyers and business cards in pet stores, the Humane Society, etc. I've already got the camera, I have shots to use to build a portfolio, and I have the capability to burn photo CDs and clean up any goofs in Photoshop. I also have my pbase site for any kind of promotions, although if this really takes off I'll probably want a separate site.

The only real questions are, what should I call it and how much should I charge?


Blogger Ian said...

No answer to your questions here, but good idea!

9:30 PM  
Blogger Aaron Jacklin said...

I also like the idea. Sadly, no answers here either.

9:47 PM  

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