Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Not too much to report today. I'm busily trying to get my law school essays finished, my room clean enough for Ian's arrival on Friday (yes, I know this is not a requirement, but room to walk on the floor would be nice), and my homework done... next week is the sixth of the semester, which means I have some midterm projects due, and I have to get my applications in by November 1. This would not be a problem except I'm going to Paris on October 23rd. (I'm really not complaining. I can't wait to go to Paris. I just have a lot of homework-juggling to do.)

I'm gratified to see that people are still actually posting in the chatterbox! I love it when I get comments, since that's the only way I know any of you read this thing. I apologize for making everyone jealous, though!


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