Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Whee! Two days till I leave for Ithaca (and hopefully get some good photos). Nothing newsworthy's been happening to me lately, so here are some fun links.

Dogblog is something Ian introduced me to, and I can totally see myself doing something of this nature someday. This guy so clearly loves dogs and is just having a ball taking pictures of them and getting inside their minds (as much as you can with any dog, since most of them always look like they're thinking YAY YAY YAY GOING FOR A WALK YAY YAY PEEING ON TREES YAY FOOD FOOD FOOD YAY).

This news item just sickens me. Having a feral cat hunting season is NOT the way to stop the decrease of songbird populations... only about 5% of a feral cat's diet comes from birds, and cats were around a long time before bird populations began to drop. The problem is habitat destruction and pesticides, not cats. Alley Cat Allies has a lot of great information on feral cats, for anyone who's interested.

Mount St. Helens erupted briefly tonight, yet CNN seems to have no information whatsoever. You'd think they might think it was kind of important, although in geologic terms it seems to have been a pretty minor eruption. (There was a photo here, but I removed it due to formatting issues.)


Blogger Aaron Jacklin said...

Hullo? Anybody in there?

5:42 PM  

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