Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Still working on those photos... I'm currently uploading the last batch, so I think (I think) they'll all be in proper order and properly captioned by the end of today. It's a nice semi-mindless task to keep my mind off today's election. I can't remember ever having been so nervous about anything that doesn't involve me being on stage, and I'm not even sure why I'm so nervous. I've already cast my vote, I've already exhorted those of you who can to vote, and there's really nothing more I can do from over here. Maybe it's because I keep getting e-mails from Democrat groups trying to get me to come out, help campaign, donate my time, and I can't! I would do it in a second if it were at all possible, but I'm over here and they're over there, and I've already done all I can. I think I'm going to go to a Democrats Abroad party tonight to watch the returns come in, though. It'll be good to get together with like-minded people to celebrate (or commiserate, God forbid).


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