Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I'm finally done with the LSAT, which means my time is once again my own (well, mostly... I still have to go to work and stuff, and there's my distance ed class to consider, but my major academic obligation for the summer is over). Yay! I am also full of very tasty curry right now. Mmmmm, curry. I am a happy camper.

It's come down to final decision time for my London accommodations... it's a tie between the International Students House and the hotel in West Hampstead, which is starting to sound pretty damn good now that further information has been forthcoming. If I go with Hampstead, I might even be able to get my own room... quite convenient for a quick shag with Prince William if I happen to run into him in a bookshop or something. Okay, that's not going to happen. But still, a room to myself would be very, very nice.

Input, people! I have until the end of this week to decide...


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