Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Crappity crappity crap crap crap. I was counting on getting a cool job this summer (well, cooler than my current jobs) to make a lot of bank to save for London. I heard today that Cool Job is only hiring one person as opposed to a team of five or six, which would turn Cool Job into Horribly Stressful Job For Which Kiernan Is Badly Underqualified To Deal With Alone.

So now if they don't call me for an interview, I'll be relieved rather than worried. I was still hoping to make loads of money this summer, though. Screw that pesky international-students-can't-work-off-campus regulation. Anyone got any handywoman jobs that need doing?

(The above makes it sound like I won't have a job this summer at all. This is not true. I just won't have a terribly high-paying job.)


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